Finding Calm in Chaos: How Resilience Anchoring Can Help You Stay Grounded

Between the hurricanes, elections, and the divisiveness that seems to be everywhere, it’s easy to feel like we’re being swept along in the chaos. When life feels unpredictable and overwhelming, it’s common for our well-worn habits to kick in under the stress.

Personally, I’ve caught myself scrolling through news and storm reports a little too often lately. To help break out of that patterned response, I’ve had to literally add calendar alerts to remind me to lean into my tools—whether it’s turning within for a remothering moment or using another grounding technique to get recentered.

One tool I’ve been reaching for a lot recently is Resilience Anchoring.

What is Resilience Anchoring?

Resilience Anchoring is about creating touch points that provide stability. How it works is to identify and then reach for both an internal and an external anchor that you can metaphorically grab onto when the world feels like it’s in flux.

  • Internal anchors are personal beliefs, values, or commitments that give you strength from within. Think of it as something you can turn to when you need inner guidance—like a commitment to growth, or a deep trust in the unfolding of life.
  • External anchors are tangible, physical things that can ground you in the present moment. For example, the feeling of your feet on the ground, the sensation of your breath, or even a small object that holds significance for you.

What is Resilience Anchoring Is Not.

Resilience Anchoring is not about avoiding discomfort or pushing it away. Instead, it’s about finding ways to stay grounded and present, even in the midst of it. When we notice ourselves reaching for well-worn coping strategies—whether it’s scrolling, Netflix, chocolate, wine, overworking, or any other adaptation—it’s often a sign that our internal discomfort is high. Recognizing these patterns can be a clue that invites us to pause, offering more choices in what we do next.

Try it for Yourself

In this short video, I guide you through a Resilience Anchoring practice. It’s a simple yet powerful way to connect with both your internal and external anchors, and it can help you regain a sense of stability when the world feels anything but steady.

Finding Calm in Chaos, a quick resilience reset

Watch the video to learn:

  • How to identify your internal anchor
  • How to choose an external anchor
  • How to use both anchors to find calm and resilience, even when things are unpredictable

May this practice offer you some much-needed peace and ease during these uncertain times.

From my heart to yours,

More from the blog:

Taming the Emotional Bull
How Remothering Helps Us Recover from Life’s Whooshes
(plus, an 18-second clip that makes me laugh every time I see it)

Posted by Simona Vivi H

Remothering + Empowered Parenting Coach. Simona Vivi Hadjigeorgalis (ha-gee-george-alice). Globally recognized remothering expert. 🌸 Transforming mother wounds into empowerment. 🌿 Remothering as we mother. ✨ Guiding moms of emerging adults to confident parenting & deeper connections. Shed the adaptations, keep the hard-earned wisdom. Connect with Simona at,, and on Instagram

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