Remothering (definition)
What is Remothering?
Remothering is the self-care practice of turning within to access the nurturance, belonging, wise counsel, acceptance, love, and other mother qualities we, as humans, naturally seek.
The Formal Definition of Remothering is
remothering (verb)
Remothering is the process and practice of updating patterns and rewiring with intention so we can turn within to access the mother qualities we seek
Remothering is
Remothering is a path of turning within to access the mother-qualities we naturally seek. Remothering is not a report card on the parenting we did or did not receive; though, our personal histories will inform our remothering journeys. Rather than being externally-focused, remothering is about our relationship between me and me.

As we travel our remothering journeys, some of the treasures we may find include:
- Deeper self-connection
- Relief
- Quieter mind (less mental chatter)
- Self-kinder mind (less hijacked thoughts)
- Healthier boundaries (even with boundary-impaired others)
- Greater self-alignment
- Clarity
Remothering is a process because there are steps we can take to develop our ability to turn within to access the mother-qualities we seek. Learning about the process often opens the door to breakthroughs and change.
It is also a practice. Just like we had to tie our shoes many times before that pattern moved into our muscle memory, lasting transformation happens when we automate our patterns with repetition. It’s also a practice because we keep returning to the work again and again as we reach different milestones and phases in our lives.
The Remothering Journey
Navigating the space between what once was and will be is hard, but worth it. Our brains are calorically expensive, which means our natural human behavior is to continue in the patterns we know. Breaking free from outdated patterns and rewiring with intention is a journey. But you already have within you everything you need to thrive forward.
What we offer here are maps, guides, and support for the journey.
Related Articles
- Remothering Roadmap (overview)
- Remothering Foundations (in-depth article)
originally posted September 21, 2021
revised April 8, 2023
Resources for the Remothering Journey was created as a resource to support you on the journey. For more, check out the articles on the blog, the classes, and sign up for our newsletter.
I am very encouraged by what you write. I’m 67 but we’re never to old too grow calmer and happier! Many blessings! Francis
Francis, I am so glad this resonates, and so glad you are here. Big yes to knowing we can grow calmer and happier at any age. Here’s the the remothering journey. May the peace we are learning to cultivate between our own two ears ripple out into the world in positive ways! <3, Simona
I was never nurtured my own mother was a covert narcissist it took me decades to see through these tactics. I keep attracting c.. women at my mother´s age but not only, who insult me, who project their anger and feelings onto me, but I don´t talk violently I never do I work with children where I have to stay always calm. Furthermore, the punish and shame me by cancelling promises, jobs, projects without any logical explanation: “you are weird thats why”. I really shut down and am too afraid to even talk to females which hugely impacts my own femininity. I want to learn to nurture myself, I tried many things but the belief I´m unworthy it´s just the core; I can´t get it out of my system. I want to learn to give myself understanding und nourishment so that I heal and attract less toxic persons.
Those core wounds run deep. The empowering news is that neuroplasticity is on our side. The hard news is, the journey is not an easy-breezy one; but at least we can have some company along the way. May you experience a sense of accompaniment as well as learn helpful tools and insights during the upcoming free reMothering Masterclass & Super-Summit event begins this Sunday.
warmly and with so much care,
Thank you where do I sign up?
Hello Tina,
Welcome. The event is just starting today, your timing is perfect. You can register at
I so understand what you say you believe about yourself as it is my own belief about myself.
@Tellina, @Melissa…. may there be some healing and perhaps a connected moment of feeling accompanied knowing that though you each walk your own journey, there are others that get it.